Numerous studies have demonstrated that ensuring gender equity on boards and at every level of an organization including senior management, benefits everyone – whether it has a positive impact on the bottom line, supports increased innovation, or builds healthier communities. It’s so important that in 2015 the UN included ‘achieve gender equality’ as one of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals – which outline solutions to the most serious issues around the world.
Despite being a progressive nation, Canada has a lot of work to do – in 2018 Canada had the 7th largest gender wage gap in a comparison of 42 countries. In BC, according to a 2018 Minerva Foundation report, women held only 22 per cent of available Top 50 company board seats and only 17 per cent of available Top 50 company senior executive management positions.
Come and hear from a panel of experts, who will look more closely at these statistics, discuss how gender equity benefits organizations and communities, and share concrete solutions on how you can support your organization to move these statistics in the right direction.
- Janina Stajic, Manager, Communications and Public Engagement, Vancouver Island University, Moderator
- Doris Bear, Vice President Commercial Financial Services, Aboriginal Banking, TD Bank
- Grace Lore, Professor in Political Science, University of Victoria
- Katie Armstrong, Manager, Regulatory and Compliance, Seaspan
Premier to Address Summit Attendees in Opening Luncheon Presentation
“We are thrilled to have Premier Horgan joining us at the Economic Summit. It is always valuable to have the Premier provide insightful update on the economic state of the province as well as perspective regarding issues vital to our success on Vancouver Island.” – Mark Smith, VIEA Chair.
The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance is pleased to announce that Premier Horgan will speak at the Opening Luncheon of the 13th annual ‘State of the Island’ Economic Summit.