Source: Cowichan Valley Citizen
By Robert Barron – Apr. 9, 2021 5:45 a.m
Island Good is celebrating its third anniversary.
Island Good, a marketing campaign launched by the Vancouver Island Economic Summit in 2018, is a place brand to help shoppers easily identify local products from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.
The campaign has grown to include more than 135 businesses, with many of them in the Cowichan Valley, featuring everything from potatoes to mattresses, furniture to whiskey, tortillas to cosmetics, and yogurt to spice mixes.
Just look for the Island Good logo on products and in stores across Vancouver Island.
Watch for Island Good entrepreneur stories, virtual cocktail events showcasing Island Good companies and eight weeks of giveaways starting on April 6 on the Island Good social media platforms: @islandgoodbrand.
“Being part of Island Good this past year has helped us mentally,” said Linda Holford of Cowichan Bay’s Rocky Creek Winery.
“Not only has Island Good created a website and a brand to support consumers find Island products but it is a venue where we as producers can learn from other Island Good businesses. We are small and it is hard to connect and network with other Island goods producers. I feel like I’m part of a neighbourhood where I can connect with others that have a passion to create goods on the Island and be sustainable.”