Nestled in an inlet on the south shore of Barkley Sound, the community of Bamfield truly embodies life in the “Heart of the Pacific Rim”. It is located in the traditional territory of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation and offers modern conveniences without compromising its pioneer spirit and rugged beauty. As part of the Pacific Rim National Park reserve, it is a unique parkland where adventures await visitors that want to experience all the natural beauty this region has to offer. Bamfield is also home to the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre which is a shared campus providing world-class research infrastructure for marine and coastal scientists and other educational and training programs. Bamfield Chamber of Commerce
For more information on visiting, living, working and doing business in this community, link to…
- Statistics Canada Community Profile
- Current Weather
- Regional District
- Immigration and Diversity Profiles
- Current Sales summary of House prices
- Chamber of Commerce
- Community Futures
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
- Welcome BC
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