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Linking Island Business – John Hart Project
March 13, 2012
The John Hart Project @ Linking Island Business event in Qualicum Beach:
BC Hydro and the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce will present “The John Hart Project andMaximizing Economic Opportunities through the Major Projects Portal” at the Linking Island Business event April 11 in Qualicum Beach. The session will provide the latest updates on the BC Hydro project while also showing how the portal provides suppliers and contractors with opportunities to profile their services to bid proponents and potentially access contract opportunities by registering on the new web portal.
“As the BC Hydro procurement process unfolds for the proposed John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project, the Major Projects Portal site is positioned to maximize the opportunities and benefits that will accrue with this and other major construction projects in the region,” says Rick Roberts, Past VIEA Chair who has represented VIEA in the partnership between BC Hydro, Campbell River Chamber, Vancouver Island Construction Association, and Vancouver Island Economic Alliance that has collaborated on the Major Projects Portal. 
“VIEA continues to be impressed by the leadership shown by BC Hydro and that of local and regional business leaders as we prepare for the approximate billion dollar John Hart project,” adds Rick.
An overview of the CR Major Projects portal site by Colleen Evans, Executive Director of the Campbell River Chamber, and a project update from Stephen Watson of BC Hydro will also include some context for why local and regional businesses and organizations are involved in this initiative.
For more information, sponsorship opportunities and to register on-line visit or email
This year’s sponsors include Quality Foods, MNP, Island Radio, CTV, Glacier Media, ProReg, Lewis & Sears Marketing & Event Management, Wallpepper Design, Black & White Party Rental, Array Studios, Community Futures Central Vancouver Island and Venture Connect.


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