BC Hydro supplies electricity to Vancouver Island from the Peace River hydroelectric system through Kelly Lake Substation and from the Columbia River system through Nicola Substation. BC Hydro operates 4 hydroelectric systems with 6 generating stations on Vancouver Island.
As one of the most populated areas of BC, the Vancouver Island region has one of the largest demands for electricity in the province. Through its PowerSmart programs, BC Hydro offers several energy-saving options and incentives for residential, commercial and industrial customers. The British Columbia Utilities Commission sets residential and business electricity rates.
Learn more about BC Hyrdo on Vancouver Island.
Natural Gas
Fortis BC is the largest distributor of natural gas to Vancouver Island, serving more than 1.2 million customers in 135 communities in BC. The company covers most of eastern Vancouver Island from Campbell River south to Victoria. Fortis offers home and business rate structures based on various usage categories.
Learn more about Fortis BC on Vancouver Island.
Alternative and Renewable Energy
Vancouver Island has a tremendous number of alternative energy-related companies, research and construction projects – many of which will grow as regional, national and global demand increases.
Alternative and renewable energy on Vancouver Island currently includes:
- Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is purified biogas captured from decomposing organic materials in landfills, farms, and municipalities. Customers of Fortis BC can designate all or some of the natural gas they use in their businesses and homes as RNG. Learn more about Fortis BC’s Clean growth pathway to 2050.
- Wind power is a source of renewable energy. BC currently has four large-scale wind farms, one of which is located at Cape Scott on the northern tip of Vancouver Island.
- Tidal power is harnassed from ocean currents and tidal height differences. Vancouver Island has some of the highest potentials for tidal energy in the world due to the many channels and fjords on the west coast of the Island. Tidal power is consistent, making it a predictable and sustainable source of energy.
- Similar to tidal power, wave energy is proportional to the length and height of each wave. The west coast of Vancouver Island is an ideal location for wave energy projects.
- Solar energy on Vancouver Island is concentrated in the warmest locations, primarily on the southeast coast. The T’Souke First Nation (west of Victoria) operates BC’s largest First Nation-owned solar project.
- Run-of-River (ROR) hydroelectric projects use natural elevation differences and stream flows in mountainous regions to generate electricity. ROR hydro projects are used to sustainably power remote towns, mines, and mills.
Learn more about alternative and renewable energy in BC.
Learn more about the utilities economic sector on Vancouver Island