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Summit News Flash! – Consul General of Mexico and BC Deputy Premier to speak at Summit Closing Luncheon

VIEA has been in dialogue with the Consul’s office regarding increased import/export opportunities between Mexico and BC/Island region for several years. A delegation of ten Mexican companies will also attend the Summit seeking partnerships and supply chain diversification with Island businesses.
Registration for the October 26/27 Summit will close tomorrow! – Friday, October 21st.

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Summit program highlights include:


The Future is possible, if we work together…
Business Model Innovation part of the Tech & Innovation Showcase Sessions
Show of hands to anyone who is experiencing business as usual. Supply chain, labour force, economic volatility, geopolitics and technology disruption name but a few of the concerns we are all facing. If you are not rethinking or reimaging your business someone else most certainly is. Hear from three companies who are embracing change, developing for it, and providing novel solutions to old challenges and problems we didn’t even know existed.



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