It Sucks Out There Right Now.
“In addition to social distancing and hand washing, sanitizing can really help to protect ourselves and vulnerable members of our community.
Hoarding hurts everyone.
To try and do a little good, Wayward has ramped up production of hand sanitizer and spray sanitizer and has started distributing them to people and organizations in need for free today. Priority will go to First Responders, medical staff and charitable organizations who are in need, followed by individuals and families that are unable to purchase sanitizer. Hand Sanitizer is prebottled and (owing to shortages in Aloe Vera gel) in very limited quantities to start. Most of our initial production is going to first responders and organizations, with smaller bottles for individuals hopefully available by the weekend.
Spray Sanitizer is in bulk and intended primarily for surfaces. Bring in your own spritzing container and we will fill it (up to 250ml for individuals, no limit for First Responders or health workers.)
We implore you to remember that you are part of your community in times like these. If you don’t need it, don’t stockpile it. Check in on your neighbours. Stay home if you feel sick and practice good hygiene. And please remember that social distancing doesn’t mean buy everything on Amazon. Without your support many of the local business that you love will not make it through this.” – David Brimacombe, CEO
For more information, contact Wayward Distillery – an Island Good company with Island Good products.
Filling an emergency local need by filling bottles with Island-made hand sanitizer, Wayward Distillery CEO, David Brimacombe combines ingenuity, community spirit and product diversification for public good.
Island Good salutes you, David.
Thank you!