“The City of Nanaimo is fast becoming one of Canada’s most dynamic and diverse communities. Centrally located on Vancouver Island and nestled between mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Nanaimo’s natural beauty is an ideal location for both residents and businesses alike. The City’s proud history and rich resource based heritage form the foundation upon which this great city is built. The City of Nanaimo continues to grow and prosper and has become the regional service centre for both the central and northern regions of Vancouver Island. The community enjoys a skilled and educated labour force, an impressive infrastructure network and many recreational and cultural amenities.” City of Nanaimo
For more information on visiting, living, working and doing business in this community, link to…
- Statistics Canada Community Profile
- Immigration and Diversity Profiles
- Current Weather
- Current Sales summary of House prices
- City Hall
- Regional District
- Work BC
- Chamber of Commerce
- Community Futures
- Tourism
- Maple Sugar Festival
- Nanaimo Marine Festival and Bathtub Race
- Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society
- Welcome BC
To view city locations, click here to go to our overview map.